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Contact – Let’s Connect and Communicate

Personal contact. It’s one of the reasons I love working in travel. I get to meet some many fascinating people and learn so many great things about travel, places, events and much more.

Of course travelling is also a great way to make contact with new people too and I continue to find people really fascinating wherever I am in the world.

Communication is a two way thing so please get in touch if there are any travel questions I can help you with. I’m happy to help you if I can.

Is there a travel topic you would like me to delve into a bit deeper? Let me know and I can make it a future blog post.

Here are some ways you can get in touch with me and also some places you can connect with me.

I really do hope to hear from you 🙂


(More details on my About Me page)

Some Other Places You Can Contact & Find Me


My work history and CV is all here on LinkedIN – a great forum for connecting with people too.


My Twitter account is a blend of dachshunds, politics, the Highlands and travel – a bit of everything!


A great place to find lots of travel inspiration and interesting blog articles


Another great place to find trip inspiration


My video contact including video hotel reviews


Find my reviews of trips and visits here


Find my posts on Tumblr